Black Desert Wiki
Black Desert Wiki
Ancado Inner Harbor
Ancado Inner Harbor
Type Port/Harbor
Region Valencia
Rulers Crow Merchant Guild
Node manager Inaha
Affiliation Kingdom of Valencia
Required contribution points 1
Location on world map:
Valencia North Ancado Inner Harbor

A harbor in Ancado Bay north of the capital of Valencia.

Ancado Harbor was built because Valencia and the Orient had good trade deals between them, but both entered dark times and the completed harbor was mostly deserted for not being profitable enough. The Crow Merchants Guild bought the harbor to utilize it as their headquarter.[1][2]

Connecting Nodes

Notable NPC's

Node Management

  • Inaha <Node Management> (also trade manager)

Storage Keeper

Stable Keepers


  • Talia <General Goods Vendor>
  • Ceras <Material Vendor>

Repair service

Work Supervisor

Wharf Manager


